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Garanzie minime per i migranti rispetto ai provvedimenti di espulsione (Com. eur. dir. soc., Conclus

"The Committee understands that the relevant sections of the Aliens and Immigration Act referred to above permit the relevant Minister to expel a third country national from the territory on serious grounds of public policy or public security. It asks whether the Minister is required to consider the individual circumstances of the person when making a decision to expel a foreigner.

With regard to expulsion on the grounds of health, the Committee notes that a migrant may not be refused the renewal of his/her residence permit if they contracted a disease after the provision of the original permit.

The Committee notes that temporary work migrants are required to retain the same job and employer. In case their employment relationship is terminated due to the fault of the employer, the report states that they shall be allowed a limited time to search for another position [...].

The Committee recalls that States must ensure that foreign nationals served with expulsion orders have a right of appeal to a court or other independent body, even in cases where national security, public order or morality are at stake (Conclusions V (1977), United Kingdom). It asks whether such an appeal exists and what is the procedure".

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